So... With my decision (literally during my first viewing of the film) to cosplay as Astrid, I had to decide if I was going to have an axe. Apart from a rather epic giant spanner when at an 80s cartoon fancy dress party (Gadget from Rescue Rangers ftw) I have never really had a prop of any sort; it's all been about the outfit in my previous cosplays.
To be honest, the reason I liked Astrid, apart from my love of the character, is that her outfit allows me to practice other skills... Armour, leather(ette) and props... Without it being the ENTIRE costume.

When I initially started thinking about 'branching out' into more than just sewing I went where every good person goes when wanting to learn something... THE INTERNETS! I've been inspired by so many different cosplayers and photographers but the main person I have been most inspired by when thinking about armour and props is of course the wonderful Kamui.
Seriously, who doesn't think that her Protoss Wizard is incredible?! I have downloaded both her ebooks and would definitely recommend them! Looking forward to the prop book when it comes out to complete my collection.
Obviously I'm not going to run before I can walk, though I do occasionally bite off a bit more than I can chew, hence deciding on a little bit of armour and a 'simple' prop.
So after some fairly extensive research... When I say extensive, I mean... reading the ebook, watching a few videos and saying to myself "Yeah! I CAN DO THIS!" I finally took the plunge into making my first bit of armour and my first prop!
This post is the first in a series about me attempting to make some cosplay armour and a prop weapon.
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